Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Get to Know How You Can Benefit from Probation Mortgages

What are probation mortgages and how can you benefit from them?

These are one of the many types of mortgages that are awarded to individuals of different circumstances. These can be actually considered as one of the lifesavers for people who want to buy a home but would have some difficulties trying to prove to lenders that they have the ability to pay off their loan.

Lending companies are very strict with their loan approval methods

It’s not surprising to see a lot of lenders implementing stricter guidelines when approving loan applications. This is because no lenders want to suffer losses when borrowers default on their loans.

Aside from that, most of the world economy is still feeling the effects of the housing problem that affected most of the states in the United States several years ago. Due to hundreds of people who defaulted on their mortgages, foreclosures were rampant.

Thousands of people who were not able to pay off their loans lost their homes. It’s something that has also affected other countries. And because of that, lenders are now more careful with who they grant loans to.

They want to make sure that only those who really have the financial ability to pay off a mortgage get a loan.

But not everyone can meet lenders’ requirements

This is one very common problem. Not everyone is going to be able to meet the requirements set forth by lending companies. This is one thing that will keep a lot of people from getting the home they want.

Some people have poor credit scores while others don’t have a permanent job. The latter is what most people are having problems with. This does not necessarily mean that these people do not have jobs; it’s just that lenders are looking for something very specific when it comes to employment records.

They want to see that a borrower has a permanent employment. They want someone who has a stable job simply because a person with permanent employment is most likely to keep up with mortgage payments than someone who is on a contractual job or on probation.

But that’s all about to change.

It does not matter if you only have a contractual job or you are on probation because there is an increasing number of lenders today that are willing to give people who would have no shot in getting approved for standard loans a chance to pay for their house.

Probation mortgages are perfect examples of this.

What are probation mortgages and how are they different from other loans?

These are awarded to people who are on probation. People who are still not permanently employed and haven’t signed a contract are considered on probation. This status can last between 3 and 12 months.

That means there is no certainty to a worker’s fate, as it will depend on what the company would think of his or her performance.

Being under probation would, under normal circumstances, mean that the person would not be able to take out any mortgage loan, even a cheap mortgage loan. It would take that person a few more months before he can apply for a mortgage.

But with a probation mortgage, it is possible for someone whose employment is still in limbo to take out a loan. This is different from other mortgage loan types simply because it does not require one to be in a job for a long time.

Even if you were just on your first day of probation, you’d still be able to be granted a loan, as long as you meet the requirements.

To be in a stronger position to get approved for a loan, you have to make sure that you are still in the same industry. Your previous and current jobs should be similar. You also need to have experience in the job and your probationary period is not longer than a year.

There are different lenders that can help you take out probation mortgages. Find the right one and you can be assured that you will be able to buy a home without experiencing a lot of difficulties.


  1. i've had difficulty getting approved with my home loan when i transferred jobs. the paperwork requirements was as expected but the restrictions are hard to overcome. there are certain lenders that do not offer loans to employees under probation. best look it up first if you are interested in applying.

    probation home loans information

  2. You cannot blame lenders if they want to guarantee a 100% return on what they lend out. Considering that the economy took a big time downfall, everyone wants to secure their money. It is why most lenders do not hastily approve loans for people who don't have secure job positions. Probation home loans should be able to help out these type of applicants.

    click here for IT contractor mortgage
